
Accounts Payable Payments

Virtual Card Payments

Virtual cards offer immeasurable benefits to both buyers and their suppliers. Reducing costs, saving time, and enhancing cash management, both parties can enjoy the peace of mind of a reliable, single-use credit card number. Eliminating chargebacks, streamlining processes, and dramatically reducing processing fees, virtual cards are the premier choice for suppliers looking to balance ease of use with rigorous fraud controls. 


ACH Payments

Centered on convenience, Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments are renowned for eliminating human error, reducing fees, and enhancing processing efficiency.


What is A Virtual Card?

Single-use credit card number
generated for a specific transaction that becomes invalid after that transaction. The 16-digit card number is unique for each payment and is for single use only.
Exact amount of transaction
Virtual cards allow you to pre-set the actual payment dollar amount and tie that payment to the invoices you are paying you can’t be overcharged for unauthorized purchases
Cost effective
Reduces paper checks, manual processing, errors, and fraud, saving you up to $10 per invoice
Unique card number
For every transaction makes reporting and reconciliation easier
Easy and fully integrated
With your ERP or accounting system

Why Pay Your Suppliers with a Virtual Card?

Benefits to Your Supplier

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